Enabling clinicians to treat and help pneumonia patients recover at home
Pneumonia, a common respiratory condition affects many people worldwide each year. Clinitouch helps clinicians to safely discharge patients from hospital and remotely monitor them at home.
Earlier Interventions
Doctors can now truly expand their reach and offer more effective recovery methods by providing earlier intervention by remote monitoring frail patients. This way, you can keep frail people outside the hospital in their residential environment.
Boost patient recovery
Pneumonia, is a common respiratory condition that affects many people worldwide each year. Clinitouch helps clinicians to safely discharge patients from hospital and remotely monitor them at home.
Hospitals benefit
Clinitouch improves all health care centers by reducing their unscheduled hospital admissions by up to 67.5%. By creating virtual wards with Clinitouch, health institutions can offer more to those who need it the most.
Here's a community acquired pneumonia virtual ward that's live and making a difference
Patients admitted to hospital with community acquired pneumonia are safely discharged on to a digital virtual ward for up to 14 days. Find out how this virtual ward works, how the pneumonia healthcare team support patients at home and what they look for.